ABCS Cases

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Case 1:

24-year-old female with no significant PMHx presents to the office reporting right elbow pain.  Pain has been present for the last 4 months.  She describes it as ache and worse when she tries to open a door or unscrew lids.  She denies h/o trauma. She does note tenderness on lateral aspect of her right elbow.  She denies weakness, numbness, and/or tingling.  She does note some mild swelling where it is tender, but denies heat or redness.  She also denies fever, chills, weight loss.  She has tried an ace bandage and feels that it "sometimes" helps.  

In addition to standard medical assessment and management, how would you approach assessment and treatment using the ABCS framework?

Case 2:

40-year-old male with PMHx of irritable bowel syndrome presents reporting abdominal bloating and fullness.  He cycles between bouts of diarrhea and constipation.  He currently is feeling constipated and notes that he hasn't had a bowel movement in the last 2 days.  He tries to watch his diet, but work has been very stressful and he has been eating out more than he normally does.  He denies fever, chills, nausea, vomiting dark stool, or blood in stool.  He also denies weight loss and night sweats.  

In addition to standard medical assessment and management, how would you approach assessment and treatment using the ABCS framework?

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