
CORK Student Research Presentations

CORK (Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge) is a conference designed to lead osteopathic medicine into the future.  This will be a gathering of all those interested in advancing the field of osteopathic medicine through the use of evidence-based practices.  CORK will bring together the professionals who laid the foundation for osteopathic research and those who are revolutionizing the field through their trailblazing research.  

Abstract Criteria:

Abstract must be research involving Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine/Treatment (OMM/OMT).  These may fall under the category of original research, education and population health/health policy, and case reports.

The information presented in the abstract must be original, not a duplicate and not previously published in a peer-reviewed journal or any print form. 

Abstracts are not eligible for consideration if the manuscript of the abstract has been published before CORK 2025

All abstracts should have a clearly stated hypothesis, overview of the research design, materials and methods, results, and conclusion (please include IRB/IACUC information if relevant).

The abstract should summarize what is included in the poster. 

The first author of the abstract must be present for presentation and judging at CORK 2025 (April 26-27, 2025). 

For student and resident authors, a physician and/or research mentor must be included as an author. 

Only student and resident posters are eligible for judging and priority for poster display will be given to those poster presentations (if there is remaining space, a poster from a MD/DO/PhD without resident/student involvement may be considered but will not be eligible for judging). 

Abstract text is limited to 375 words (word count includes section headings, but does not include title, subtitles, author’s names). 

Do not use acronyms, footnotes, or references in the abstract. Abbreviations may be used but must be spelled out first. 

Abstracts must be free of typographical and other errors. If the author finds any errors, the abstract may be withdrawn or, if the abstract is accepted and the author discovers errors, the errors may be indicated during the presentation. 

Abstracts not accepted for presentation are not published and will not be disclosed outside of CORK and persons associated with the selection process (e.g., the peer review committee). 

If an emergency arises and the presenter is unable to attend, they must notify the CORK Poster Subcommittee in writing by 8 a.m. on the day of the poster judging (April 26th) that they will be withdrawing the abstract or naming a substitute presenter. The first author should contact the CORK Poster Subcommittee (OMC@nyit.edu).  

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