Developing Knowledge Through Osteopathy
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Developing Knowledge Through Osteopathy

“We are getting our facts by putting our hands on our patients.”  
Dr. Anne Wales


  1. To revisit the Principles of Osteopathy and see how they can be applied to teaching, as a lecturer and a table trainer.
  2. Learning to perceive the laboratory environment and sensing lab faculty and student interactions.
  3. Observing hand over hand practice in small groups, thereby cultivating our awareness; reinforcing knowledge.
  4. Experiencing Osteopathy in Nature: developing our antennae for knowledge in everyday life.

Principles of Osteopathy - as taught to us by our teachersLecture/Lab (guided meditation)
Applying Our Thinking Feeling Knowing Fingers in LabLab - Working in groups of 3
Introduction to Our Research ProjectCultivating an Osteopathic Culture in Lab - Faculty Inclusion/Discussion
OsteopaTree - Getting Back to NatureLecture and Outside Lab
Lunch and Discussion