"Matter In the Atom: The Anatomy and Physics of Sound Healing"

"Matter In the Atom: The Anatomy and Physics of Sound Healing"

NYIT-COM, New York, May 10-12, 2024
Early Bird Registration is open UNTIL JANUARY 31, 2024 for:

Here's the link to check out more course info and testimonials:

Testimonials from ICOM, International College of Osteopathic Medicine, in Milan, Italy- course in November 2023:

"A weekend of the highest educational value, the one just spent in ICOM, Milan Italy.  This course offered an extraordinary dive into the heart of matter, osteopathy, and exploring the intricate mechanisms that make up our universe at the atomic level."

"The intense sound immersions and technical practical sessions added to the theoretical parts. This hands-on approach made Dr. Higgins’ theories tangible, helping to solidify our understanding."

"A particularly fascinating aspect was the exploration of the practical applications of atomic knowledge, with a particular focus on the physics of sound and healing through vibrations - the link between atomic understanding and its relationship between matter and energy."

"We thank Dr. Higgins for her professionalism and enthusiasm, it was a fascinating adventure and a great stimulus for the curiosity of the students who participated."

Feel free to email SEPARATELY to osteopathicwell@gmail.com with any questions!

Register here! https://www.osteopathicwell.com/wo